Dear Lovers,

So, today we talked about the popular apps for dating, Tinder, and Bumble.

After both us being on Tinder and Bumble at different times in our lives, we decided to sit down and talk about our experiences.

We are on a pace right now, where everyone wants to find love and have it in their lives, but everyone is in fear of walking the path of love. Not having the love you want in your life is weighing in on a lot of people and we wanted to rip off the band-aid and share our thoughts.

Love is not a battlefield. It is a beautiful space that brings joy, laughter, peace, happiness, kindness, openness and adventure into your life.

In order to attract the relationships we want in our lives, we need to stop focusing on the lack of relationships in our lives. When you are looking to above for answers and aren’t understanding why you don’t have what you want, that’s when you need to go within and see where your truth lies. If you are constantly thinking about the LACK in your life, then LACK is what you will receive every single time. Practice gratitude for the love you have in your life and watch the magic unfold. Because the truth is…. YOU HAVE LOVE IN YOUR LIFE!


Oh, and most importantly, BE IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF AT ALL TIMES! Even on the bad days, those are the days where you need to squeeze yourself a little tighter and love yourself just a bit more than you already do!


Love always & ALLways,

Ashley & Jennifer

Thank you for tuning in!

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